
The only things I’ve published anywhere but on my own platforms up til now have been letters to editors. But writing is the one thing I’ve consistently done since before I graduated high school. Other people didn’t notice (well, unless I was writing to them) until everyone got on the internet because I wasn’t producing material for sale.

I decided to put more effort into writing to be seen, writing to educate, and writing for pay. Might as well.

Here is my Substack: Earthbound Misfit

I used to try to update on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I find I resist regimentation even from myself. Nowadays I write when I feel like it. That may be near-daily or it may be once or twice a week. Also, the Substack now has a couple subcategories. But go look for yourself. Loooook.

If you want to see updates about my writing projects, check out the category writer on my blog. If there’s stuff there, I’ve written about it. So to speak.