Lightbulb moment

I have mentioned on the “woman” page (look at the menu) that I have a domain name called “born with ovaries” but that I hadn’t quite worked out what I wanted to do with it yet.

Last night I was poking around looking at a domain-name seller and seeing what was available and thinking about Our Bodies, Ourselves and how they sold themselves out to troonery many years ago and then up and quit. I thought, You know, we still need a resource like that. I didn’t figure on being able to get the OBO name — even if it’s available, and it’s probably not, the owners likely wouldn’t give or sell to TERFs. (Fun fact: the WordPress software corrects me if I write “terf” in lowercase, but does not correct me if I write it like “TERF.” Fucking genderdorks. They’re like roaches.) So I pondered what the fuck else you could call a resource like that.

And as I was falling asleep, it hit me: I already had a good candidate.

So! I don’t know when it’ll happen, but… it’s a-gonna happen. It probably won’t ever be a book, but we’re gonna bring women’s health information back online all in one place and it WILL NOT be man-intersectional. No men! Ever!

I won’t announce this anywhere else because I have no idea how I’m going to go about it just yet. I have an idea, but we’ll see if it’s practical. We also have to take into account my extreme flakery about stuff like this. Sorry, everybody. But I’m kind of excited now!

It’ll be under the Gynemedia aegis. Obviously.

New domain name

I am pleased to announce that recently I acquired the domain name Gynemedia. I got it because I already own Gynepedia, and since that was already inspired by Wikipedia, it was just that one step further. (For those who don’t get the joke: Wikipedia is owned by Wikimedia, which also provides the software Mediawiki upon which Wikipedia and a whole bunch of other wiki sites are based.) The latter will fall under the former and be linked from it (there’s nothing at either domain yet), and I probably also want to do some zines and offer them from the former. I have some ideas.

I have yet one more idea that involves a space to upload videos, but I’m still mulling it over; I already put too much on my plate and then never do anything with it, but I know someone who runs a feminism-related video site akin to YouTube or Rumble, and she isn’t that happy with her current site name. I may just put a bug in her ear instead. But given how volatile the socialfem community is, I don’t know if I want my idea running away in someone else’s hands. I would be sad if I got shut out of it.

Relatedly: When I get the ‘pedia going, it will not be open for public writing and editing. I still haven’t decided if I’m willing to let in feminists who are known to me. But I probably won’t be. Maybe if some of you stop blocking my ass on Facebook because I said something you found annoying once or because you couldn’t control my friends list for me, but so far I don’t like your track record. So we will be proceeding very cautiously with that project. I welcome ideas of what new articles to include and that’s probably going to be all for a while.

Yes, I know about Feminist Wiki. One, I don’t want to limit the subject matter to women classified as feminist because we’ll be arguing all fucking day about how to define that and anyway, for a complete picture of the full range of womanhood, we need to include women who might not fit that label. Two, FW is owned and run by a man. If you like that, you go ahead. I do not like that, so I will be offering another option. Good talk. Glad we could sort that out.