Sandor on sale

Okay, not really on sale. I’ve reduced the price of my Sandor drawing here.

You can wait it out if you want but I’m probably not going to reduce it again. It doesn’t cost me much to keep it listed.

I get my brain sucked into stupid social media all day. I don’t exactly have wall-to-wall social hour around here; the two people I know to any degree here in town are both introverts and also running two organizations between them, plus one of them’s a published author who continues to write and is in the middle of a book project now, in fact. Plus each of them is owned by four dogs and one of them has additional animal responsibilities. They’re busy, okay? And I’m still new here. So I don’t have much going on, so I’ve been lonely and depressed (I am also an introvert, but I do like people, and I haven’t been getting enough peopling — in doses that I can cope with — over the past three-plus years). So, the self-medicating on a very bad “drug.”

I want to say I will do more artwork soon. My ideal self as I would like to be will get more artwork done soon. I make no promises. It’ll probably be tiny stuff at first, if it’s anything at all.

Expired domain, part deux

I looked in on the bistitchuality domain and it’s still a reasonable price, I’m just tapped right now. So this one will stay up in the air for a while.

That is all. Off to pee. ARRRRGH

Expired domain

My Bistitchuality domain has expired. I didn’t let it go on purpose, it was just a matter of not having money at the right time.

Apparently the hosting service holding that domain will still let me renew it for an actually reasonable price. I’m debating. So I have not removed the site link from the page it’s on yet.

I know I don’t get a lot of visitors here and so nobody cares, I’m just making a note of it. Carry on.

Photo sale!

Oh hey! I seem to have sold an image at BigStock. It was this one. Thanks to whoever that was. The site doesn’t tell me.

If I can get my photos organized better, I might be able to add stock without actually going out and shooting more photos. Though I would like to do that too. A stock portfolio ain’t worth much if you don’t keep adding to it.

But people seem to like my plant pics, overall. That’s what sells. That’s so funny. (In a good way.)